ROANOKE, VA. March 19th  w/63 Crayons (we didn't get any pix of these guys:( but wish we had, they were great!)  

Ahhh...the green..... we love thee.....

Were these two seperated at birth?                       

Jeff -Chris -Zach -Rob

John                                         Sasha -Chris -Jeff

One more beer?

Neil & Marty(This guy let the whole gang stay at his house. He and his gal(Nell) were incredible hosts, serving grilled cheese sanwiches at 3am and hot coffee at 10am). He also plays drums in 63 Crayons....                                           

Darren loves Kinobi!

"Will you please stop taking pictures"?!

The morning was nice.... it sort of felt like Colorado in the morning...


Ziter slept in the van, it was cold....

Nell and Kinobi.

Work it.


Umm....which way do we go...?

And we're off....

